Snow Machine Instructions
Getting started
- Unpack snow machine out of the box/road case – please make note so you can the pack the unit back in the same way it arrived.
- Take the empty fluid bottle and fill it up to the dotted line with one gallon/4.3 litres of clean water, then add the contents of one 8oz bottle of FG-100c. If the fluid is already pre-mixed in the gallon bottle, simply connect the tube with bottle lid from the machine into the bottle.
- Make sure the tube is in the filled bottle of fluid before turning machine on. It’s always worth checking to make sure the end of tube sits at the bottom of the bottle.
- Plug the machine in and turn on the power button – you should now see the red LED lights flickering. We suggest using a direct power supply for each snow machine and strongly advise against using power boards or double adapters. Good quality extension leads are okay to use.
- Start the machine on a high setting like 899 which will prime the fluid and make large “snowflakes” appear at the end of the sock.
- If ever the snow does not start immediately allow 30 seconds for the fluid to travel through the tube and reach the nozzle at the front of the blower. If there is still no snow, simply re-boot machine by turning it off, then on again.
- Once it’s “snowing” you can then adjust the flakes to the desired size – 899 being the largest down to 801 which is smallest flake size. This can be adjusted while machine is on.
- Please note the larger the flakes, the quicker the fluid is consumed. The smaller the flakes, the less the fluid is consumed, the longer snow falls you will get from each bottle.
- The snowflakes are designed to evaporate after 90 seconds in the air – if you have the flakes too large, there is a chance they will not burst and evaporate before hitting the ground and you can get a build-up of flakes/bubbles on the ground. Even though the fluid is very dry, a build-up of flakes in the same spot has the potential to make the floor slippery if left for too long – best to avoid this by choosing smaller flake size.
- We thoroughly recommend you run the machine, create snow and set desired flake size prior to the event so the fluid lines are primed and ready when you need it to snow.
- For the T-1500 units, the large round fan is manually operated by the knob on the back of the machine. This fan helps if you are using the machine on the floor and shooting the snow up, if you want larger snow coverage or if you want a blizzard effect.
- You should try the machine with the fan on and off to see which effect is preferred and which is more suitable. This fan can be turned on and off while the machine is making snow.
- Indoor use – it is not advisable to run the machines indoors for extended periods of time without adequate ventilation, this may cause irritation to some sensitive people.
- The machine cannot be left running if the fluid runs out, this can damage the unit.
- Machines cannot be left outside in the rain – this can cause damage to the machine which the hirer is responsible for and extra charges may apply.
- When sending unit back, make sure large fluid bottle is empty, and any extra bottles or covers received are returned in the road-case. And pack the snow machine back into the road case/ carton as it was delivered.
- We can/will arrange the pick-up – please have the carton/road case in the same place it was dropped off.
- If you do not already have them, Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for the FG-100 snow fluid are available to download from our website.
Please call if you have any questions
DEAN SUNSHINE 0412 350 666